发电机电压和电流(DC 耦合) 波形

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Alternator Voltage and Current (DC Coupled)

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Alternator Voltage and Current (DC Coupled) Waveform Notes

It is important that the alternator is capable of delivering the correct voltage and current output. The recommended regulated voltage will vary slightly between motor manufacturers but will invariably be between 13.5 - 15.0 volts. It is equally important that the system is neither under or over charging.

The current available from the alternator will also vary depending on the type of alternator fitted. The current seen will depend on the state of charge of the battery and what loads are switched on. If the alternator has a specific problem that is reducing the current, such as a faulty diode, this would not be seen using the 20 amp minimum or by a drop in the regulated voltage, however it would be found when the alternator waveform was monitored.

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